Just a youth softball coach talking about softball in real life. My life as a player, parent and coach.

About me

Hello. My name is Amy Feitelson. I’m a mom. A coach. A former Division I fastpitch softball player.

I’m excited to go on this journey with you of taking all the skills we use on the field into your everyday life. As long as I can remember I have played or coached sports. I played basketball, volleyball and softball. I enjoyed them all, but softball is in my DNA. You might say it was my first true love. I remember when I was four years old, my dad took me to the local little league to sign me up for t-ball. I have two older brothers who played ball, and I begged and begged every year to play too. When we got there, they turned us away because you had to be five to play t-ball, and I wasn’t old enough. I remember my dad apologizing as we drove away, me sobbing because all I ever wanted to do was play ball. Not much has changed since then. I love the game as much now as I did when I was four. Except now, other than the occasional slow pitch game, you find me on the sidelines watching or coaching.

As I mentioned, I started playing softball when I was five years old and played all the way through college. After college, I worked at Walt Disney World for five years where I met and fell in love with my prince charming, Jon. We now live in Nashville, TN and have two softball loving girls. We are fully immersed in the travel softball community, and I help coach both girls’ teams. I have found through coaching, playing and momming that a lot of the skills I utilize on a daily basis in my work environment, home, and coaching I learned or developed through the sports I played growing up. Now, after being in corporate America for 17 years, I have decided to share those skills with you.


